Global Coverage
We are part of the the most complete global network of independent audit firms, Accountants and Business Consultants.
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FG is always at the vanguard in accounting, tax and fiscal matters, to safeguard your interests.
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Our Services


Our team has extensive experience with International Auditing Standards (ISA) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which allow us to express independent opinions.


We have a highly qualified team that allows us to meet the needs of our clients’ accounting, providing adequate information for the decision-making process.

Tax, Legal and Transfer Pricing

We have a team of accounting specialists in the application of local and international tax regulations.

BPO - Business Process Outsourcing

Our structure and team has the necessary experience to analyze and evaluate the client’s administrative and operational structure.

Actuarial Services

For industries that require specialized services, we have the knowledge and technical accreditations, as well as the international experience of an actuary.


We provide a range of services to satisfy the needs of our clients, to advise, support and guide them in the fulfillment of their business objectives.

FG Philosophy

Our philosophy is based on providing services with the highest quality, with maximum agility, and a practical and creative approach, such as required by the current dynamics of business problems, ensuring the personal relationship between the advisor and his client.

Our Team


Our global performance

Russell Bedford

Global network of independent firms of auditors, accountants, business consultants and legal advisors founded in 1983, with its headquarters in London.

It is represented by more than 700 partners in 352 offices, located in 101 countries in Europe, America, the Middle East, Africa, India and Asia-Pacific.

Likewise, it has more than 6000 employees around the world serving the local and regional needs of each of our offices.

Our firms operate throughout the world, allowing us to offer a truly global service.

2020 performance review

Top 20 of the major global accounting networks

Always offering the best service


Our events


If you have any Legal problem in your life...

We are available

We seek to grow together with our clients and we pride ourselves on providing an excellent service in a timely, efficient and collaborative manner.

Get in touch with us

Our Location

Forero Gordon and Associates

Members of:


Address: Obarrio, 50th and 56th Street / 11-A  Panama, Republic of Panama
Tel. 1 : (507) 223.8498
Tel. 2 : (507) 223.8499 
E-mail :